Male Infertility Treatment

The Physical and Mental Wellness having been taken care of, we move on to identifying male and female related reproductive symptoms that can be diagnosed and cured by proper medication, thus avoiding Invasive clinical or surgical procedure. Medication can be woman Centric (Ovulation or Egg focused) or Man Centric (focused on Sperm that is produced by a man during ejaculation).

Male Centric

Treatment to the sperm

Male fertility decline is a factor in 30–40% of infertility cases. There are four key parameters in sperm – Count, Motility, shape and size that determine the fertility in men. Semen analysis is very often the essential test to be done for treatment of infertility.


Depending on the diagnosis, a doctor may be able to treat male infertility with oral or injectable medication. According to Legacy’s sperm improvement guide, Three of the most common medications are:

Clomiphene citrate (or “Clomid”), an estrogen-blocking medication that can increase levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone to improve sperm count/concentration and motility;
Anastrozole, a medication that also decreases estrogen levels and increases levels of testosterone, FSH, and LH to support sperm production;
Human chorionic-gonadotropin (HCG) and human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG), which can be used to treat hormone imbalances in testosterone and LH that lead to low sperm count and other fertility issues.

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PSFC strictly advises against self-medication of any of the above medicines. Your doctor is the best person to initiate diagnosis and prescribe medicines and levels of consumption.