7 Ways To De-stress To Boost Your Fertility

Recent studies have shown that stress will bring down the fertility rate. The journey of parenthood will be a hill-trekking ride for every parent-to-be. There will be many emotions that can’t be put into terms for what they go through; as a result, many couples struggle to get pregnant or maybe cannot carry it till last.

Bouncing back to the negative results even after all your efforts would make you feel depressed and worried, but these emotions are pretty standard. Proper food habits play a vital role in it too.

Read 18 Healthy Foods and Balanced Meals During Pregnancy 

There are many possible solutions to reduce stress and boost fertility in every individual’s physical health. Let’s discuss that!

Regularize Your Workout

Exercise maintains your overall health and releases endorphins in your body to relax every part. Try regularizing your workout/exercise to bring out the best in everything to maintain physical and mental health. For example, spend 30 minutes of your time every day for a workout to normalize your stress rate without any medications.

Music To Lift Your Mood

Is there a connection between music & pregnancy?

Music generally tends to lift your mood according to the genre you hear. Pregnancy is a unique and stressful period for many expecting mothers who suffer anxiety and depression because of the long period involved. Anxiety and depression during pregnancy are similar health problems (equal to post-natal depression). According to studies, music nourishes with a simple, cost-effective, and combination way of reducing pregnancy stress, anxiety, and depression.

The unborn baby can hear and respond to the vibrations when a pregnant woman listens to music. It helps to improve a baby’s reflexes and overall movement.

Get Yourself Outside 

The more you get yourself out, the more you can feel the running blood of calmness. Spending a quality amount of time outdoors will help to lower your depression and anxiety level. In addition, planning more fun activities outdoors with your partner or friends will drastically reduce stress. There are many fun activities available for the outdoor concept, have a friendly and warm picnic, bring yourself to the pool, or whatever may be your choice.

These activities will not only be spending time getting fresh air (which is an ideal way to soak in vitamin D). Also, it is a resourceful way to bond with yourself and focus on your fertility struggles.

Do Meditate

Studies have been done to showcase the benefits of meditation on pregnant women, showing the benefits of moms-to-be throughout pregnancy and especially at birth. For example, women with high stress or anxiety levels during pregnancy or before giving birth have more potential to deliver their babies before the due date or have low birth weights.

Do you know that Prenatal stress can also impact fetal development?

Studies have shown that it can affect all healthy body parts, like physical and emotional development in infancy and childhood. All the more reason to squeeze in some meditation time!

Play With Your Hobby

We all are aware of what our hobby is. It may be gardening or cooking new recipes, or reading rom-com it may be anything. So try to segregate your hobby and work with it. It will be a practical part of reducing stress or depression during your pregnancy journey.

Do you like gardening or cooking new recipes to try out? You could get some ideas online, start your little kitchen garden, or learn new recipes from the cooking shows. Whatever your passion is, take some time to develop and encourage it, as any activity that brings you satisfaction and joy will positively affect your mind.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness regularly has been proven to have significant benefits to mental health. It’s also been shown to help ease anxiety, stress, or depression during pregnancy.

Getting lost in negative thoughts is quite common during pregnancy, but do you know how to overcome that? Mindfulness helps you connect with the world and within you, moment to moment. Paying full attention to those small moments in life will reduce the stress or anxiety you are going through during this time and will fly away just by refreshing, like short walks or baby’s kicks.

Proper Diet & Eating behavior

Eating well is not always easy if you’re feeling low or suffering from pregnancy sickness. But it helps your physical, mental, and emotional health and your baby’s. Ensure you eat regular meals you’d like to have so blood sugar stays at a pace and does not leave you tired and irritable (even the most minor changes can help you feel better).

Dehydration will make it even more difficult when you try to concentrate or think clearly. So make sure you’re getting your recommended fluids daily; all drinks will come into count, including water, coffee, tea, or anything liquid. But make sure you always keep an eye while taking caffeine while pregnant; having 200mg of caffeine is enough for a day.


First and foremost, what is applicable here is to be nice to yourself because you deserve it. Practice what works for you, it might be a slow pace jog, a mild refreshing bath, craft or hobby time, or simply sitting and watching some TV shows.

Sometimes the best way to relieve stress is by removing all the tension causing factors, like your workplace. Try to cope-up with yourself and understand what your mind and body say if you keep on worrying or having trouble carrying out daily routines or responsibilities at work or home. Professionals like counselors or therapists can help you identify stress sources and point out how to work on them.

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